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Includes 3 Yoni Pearls 


Yoni Pearls are a holistic organic approach to restore feminine health and confidence. Detox pearls are used to help improve a variety of conditions including yeast infections, bacterial infections, infertility, fibroids, heavy/ irregular menstruation, vaginal odor, ovarian cyst, vaginal dryness, urine incontinence, genital itching, and expel fluid build-ups that are not expelled during the menstrual cycle that can cause cysts and fibroids. Many women also report improved vaginal tightness and an enhanced sex life having used these products.


Yoni Detox Pearls are manufactured in the most sterile environment that has been approved by the “GMP” standard (quality standard). They do not contain any chemical additives and have passed more than 1000 clinical trials that confirmed the safety of the ingredients – they cause no side effects and are absolutely non-toxic.


Benefits of Using Yoni Detox Pearls


Benefits of cleansing and detoxing the womb are to maintain a healthy acid environment of the vagina at (pH 4.5) and to remove pathogens. These ingredients regulate the function of endocrine gland secretion and normalize blood circulation. They also may help with the following gynecological ailments: endometriosis, PCOS, cervical erosion and dysplasia, pelvic inflammatory disease, hemorrhoids (aids in wound healing, bleeding cessation, removal of nodules).


How Do Yoni Pearls Work?


Yoni Pearls work by the specially selected herbs creating a pulling effect that draws toxins, bad bacteria, dead cells, old blood clots, mucus, and more out of you. It also tightens your yoni and deters vaginal dryness. 


Yoni Pearls contain potent traditional herbs that aid in the removal of toxins from the vagina.



How to Use Yoni Detox Pearls


Wash your hands before removing the detox from the sealed package. Unravel string from the pearl & tie a knot close to the pearl for easy removal. Add a small amount of coconut oil to the cotton part of the pearl.


 Lay on your back with your knees to your chest. Take the longest finger you have (middle finger) and use it to push the detox pearl (1) deeply into your vagina.


Leave one Yoni Detox pearl in vagina for 24-48 hours (1-2 days), after 24-48 hours remove the Yoni Detox Pearl.


Wear a pantyliner and allow the vagina to discharge toxins for the next 24-48 hours, wait 24 hours before inserting a new Yoni Detox Pearl.


Insert 2nd Yoni Detox Pearl in vagina, keep in for 24-48 hours (1-2 days), wait 24 hours before inserting another detox pearl.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 for your third Yoni Detox Pearl if needed. After 24 hours follow up with a yoni steam to assist in cleaning and removing toxins from the vagina.


After you have chosen to stop your detox and remove pearl from vagina, wash with warm water. Some women may want to use their finger to take out discharge, if doing so please be careful not to scratch the inside of your vagina, we do advise you to wait for it to come out naturally this may happen over a period of 2-3 days. If irritation occurs take a bath and only add organic tea tree oil in water and cleanse the vagina.


Organic Herbs/Ingredients: Borneol, Stemona Sessilifolia Miq, Kochia Scoparia, Motherwort, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, Angelica, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Osthol.

Yoni Detox Pearls

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