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Chakra: Throat and Third-Eye


Tranquility, Expression, Peace


Non-Physical Uses

  • Communication

  • Emotional Healing

  • Soothing

  • Self- Expression

  • Courage

  • Protection

  • Alleviates anger and nervous tension

  • Brings calmness and a piece of mind

  • Spiritual growth and enhancement


  • Physical Uses

  • Thyroid Glands

  • Arthritis

  • Eases sore throat

  • Relieves insomnia 

  • High blood pressure

  • Respiratory conditions

  • Reduces inflammation and fever

  • Aids healing of broken bones

  • Disorders within the skeletal system

Blue Lace Agate Minis

PriceFrom $13.33
  • All items are intuitively chosen and may vary in size, color and shape.

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